
Friday, November 7, 2014

some way to prevent dehydration

Inadequate intake of fluids in the body lead to dehydration. But with the right eating choices, hydration or adequacy of body fluids can be maintained throughout the day. What foods can keep body fluids wear out too quickly?

Some foods that can keep dehydration is as follows:

1 . watermelon
watermelon is made up of 92 percent water . In addition it also contains vitamin C , especially the red watermelon contains lycopene . The compound has antioxidant effects that could prevent cancer and heart disease 

2 . green salad
In addition to consist of 90 percent water , green salad also only contains less than 15 calories in each 2 bowls . Another useful is the content of folate , vitamin C , fiber and antioxidants beta-carotene . The content is great for maintaining healthy eyes and skin.

3. papaya
Composed of 88 percent water, papaya is helpful to maintain adequate body fluids. The size of one cup of papaya also provides 3 grams of fiber with only 55 calories.

4. strawberries
Water content in strawberry fruit reached 91%, is very helpful to maintain adequate fluid. In addition, this red fruit also contains vitamin C and B that can help the growth of new cells.

5. cucumber

Cucumber contains 95% water, so some cucumber slices have the same benefits as drinking a glass of water. In addition, cucumber also provide vitamin C, less than 6% of the daily requirement.

how to prevent cut apples into brownish

Often in apples that have been cut turned into a brownish color. Surely it would ruin the appearance of fruit and flavor. To prevent this change can be done the easy way.
Brown discoloration occurs due to the common apple fruit enzyme reacts with oxygen in the air which is better known as oxidation. To prevent this, take a look at this trick.

1 . Soak in carbonated beverages
Carbonated beverages generally contain citric acid . Good used to prevent discoloration in apples . Types of the drink can be a lemon - lime soda . Enough to soak the apples are cut into pieces and set aside some time.

2 . Boil apple
Boil apples can also prevent discoloration of the apple . This process can stop the enzyme reaction with oxygen . This method is easy to do , put an apple that has been cut into a pan of boiling water for 5 minutes . Then lift and flush with cold water.

3. Use salt
Salt is a natural preservative and effectively prevent discoloration of apples that have been cut. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in cold water to taste. Then soak the peeled apples into a solution of salt water for 3-5 minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water and drain.

4. Spread with lemon juice

Discoloration of the apple can be overcome with lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid which will prevent oxidation. You do this simply by smearing the surface of an apple that has been cut with lemon water. It can prevent discoloration and can make more fresh flavor.

Tips for Controlling Your High Appetite

Big appetite, and uncontrollable will encourage someone to be obese and to invite the entry of various diseases in the body. Uncontrollable appetite can be relieved by simple means. If your appetite is great and you want to control it, consider some of these tips.

1. Recognize Triggers
Recognize triggers uncontrollable appetite can prevent you from overeating. Make a list of foods that you eat during the week. Also take note of the things that make you stress, mood changes for the worse, and how hungry you are before eating.

2. drinking water
Hypothalamus, the part of the brain that control mood and hunger, like thirst recognize hunger. So , when it comes thirst , drink water immediately in order to prevent the desire to eat. Avoid sugary drinks when thirsty.

3. Do not start eating when stressed
When stressed, we tend to have a high appetite and uncontrolled. Therefore, do not follow the desire to eat when you 're stressed. If the desire to eat comes, wait for at least 20 minutes, chances appetite will be reduced so that you hold to overeat.

5. laugh
Stress is a major trigger comes the desire to overeat. Therefore, make yourself stay happy and not stress is the best way. Laughter is a simple and easy way to relieve stress. Research shows that laughter can reduce calories, stress, and helps the body to secrete endorphins (happy).

6. Chew sugar-free gum
Chewing sugar-free gum can be an alternative to reduce appetite. Your mouth busy by chewing gum will distract you from wanting to eat larger. Australian study finds that people who chew gum often have stress hormones 16 percent lower than those who did not.

Simple Tips Against Tired Taste

Fatigue often occurs especially after you work all day. But if you continue to feel tired every day, this may be related to your lifestyle is unhealthy. For that you should begin to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Making some small changes daily routine can provide positive benefits for your body fitness.
Simple Activities That Can Reduce Fatigue In Body:

1. Breakfast with the right menu option
Breakfast in the morning is a very important thing, that you should not miss. In order for your body more energized and healthy, choose the right menu and healthy breakfast. You can eat foods that contain fiber, complex carbohydrates, and protein. These nutrients act as fuel and keep your body from feeling weak or lethargic until noon.

2. sport
Finding time to exercise regularly on weekdays it seemed impossible. But you should try and set aside time for exercise. Do not need to do heavy exercise. You simply set aside time in the morning before going to work for jogging, walking and other light activity. Exercising regularly will keep your body fit and prevent prolonged fatigue.

3. Drinking enough water
For your information, one of the signs of fatigue the body is dehydrated, so drinking enough water is a good step to prevent dehydration.

4. stretching
Work piling and solid office activity that can make the body feels sore and tired. Therefore, lifted up from your seat at least five minutes to take a walk for some fresh air. In addition, take advantage of the time to stretch at the neck, shoulders, back, and wrists in order not to feel numb.

Indonesian Traditional Musical Instruments

Indonesia is a country covering thousands of islands stretching from Sabang to Merauke, which of the many islands and its people are born, grow and develop various cultural areas. Traditional art which is an identity, and a medium of expression of Indonesian society.

Almost all regions of Indonesia have a special traditional music and distinctive. Of uniqueness can be seen seen from the technique, presentation and form/organological musical instruments. Traditional art itself has a high spirit of collectivity, so it can be recognized character and characteristics of Indonesian society, namely the famous friendly and polite.

To know more about us closer to traditional music can be categorized into several groups:

1. Percussion instruments.
Percussion is the designation for all musical instruments playing techniques beaten, either by hand or stick. In this case some musical instruments belonging to the percussion instrument is the gamelan, Kendang, Arumba, Talempong, Sampek and Kolintang, Rebana (Tambourine)Bedung, Jimbe and others.

A. Gamelan is a musical instrument made of metal, gamelan comes from the region of Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, West Java called Degung and Balinese Gamelan Bali called. The device consists of gamelan instruments saron, demung, gong, kenong, slentem, bonang, peking, gender and several other instruments. Besides, it has a tone pentatonic gamelan / pentatonic.

B. Kendang are kind of percussion instrument that membranes derived from animal skins (goat). Kendang or gendang can be found in many parts of Indonesia. kendang in West Java has an important role in dance Jaipong. In Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java and Bali,  kendang used in Gamelan, either to accompany dance, wayang and Ketoprak. Tifa is a kind of musical instrument kendang that can be encountered in the area of ​​Papua, Maluku and Nias. Rebana is a type of musical instrument commonly used in the art having Islamic. rebana can be found in almost all parts of Indonesia.

C. Arumba (bamboo strains) originated from West Java. Arumba is a musical instrument made ​​of bamboo which is played with melodic and rhythmic. At first arumba using pentatonic scales but in its development using diatonic scales.

D. Talempong is the art music tradition of the Minangkabau. Talempong is pitched diatonic instrument (do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, do).

E. Sampek (sampe / sapek) is someone whose musical instrument resembling a guitar comes from Kalimantan. This instrument is made ​​of wood covered with ornaments / carvings are beautiful. Other stringed instruments resembling sampek is Hapetan of Tapanuli, Jungga of South Sulawesi.

F. Kolintang or kulintang originated from Minahasa region. This instrument has a diatonic scales that all instrument consisting of bass, melodic and rhythmic. The basic ingredients are made of wood and how to play this instrument in time by using a stick.

G. Sasando is a stringed musical instrument derived from the East Nusa Tenggara, the Kecapi made ​​of bamboo with a given strings, while for the resonance is made of woven palm leaves that have a half-sphere shape.

2. Stringed Musical Instruments.
Traditional musical instrument which uses techniques swiped game is Rebab. Rebab came from West Java, Central Java, Jakarta (Betawi arts). Rebab made ​​of wood and covered with a thin skin resonator, has two strings and have the pentatonic scales. Other traditional musical instruments that have a shape like a rebab is Ohyan the resonator made ​​of coconut shell. Rebab of this type can be found in Bali, Java and South Kalimantan.

3. Blow Musical Instruments.
The flute is a wind instrument made ​​of bamboo almost all regions in Indonesia can be found this instrument. Saluang is a wind instrument from West Sumatra, flute can be found in North Sumatra, Kalimantan. Lembang distilled from Toraja region having a length between 40-100 cm with a diameter of 2 cm.

Tarompet, serompet, selompret is a type of wind instrument that has a 4-6 hole to blow tone and funnel-shaped portion. Traditional music using instruments like these are folk art Tapanuli, West Java, East Java, Madura and Papua.